This is Jamo 3 way speaker system. The model is Cornet 65II. It is produce around 1995 I guess. To be honest, this speaker condition is not bad. All in perfect condition because proper storage during the lay off. The only matters is the dust is everywhere.

This speaker is big enough. Not a bookshelf, not either a floor-standing. To make it sing perfectly, it require medium height speakers standing, so the speakers alignment will be correct to listener ears. But you see from the looks, this speaker is top notch building quality. In this more than 20 years, all the wood surface are still in good condition. This is the example the bottom of the speakers condition. The speaker feet not present there, it makes the surface scratch and having a lot of dirt.

Cleaning the speaker from the dust is only require the cleaning cloth soaked with warm water. Gently wipe all the surface and pay attention for the paper cone which can cause the dirt absorb to the paper itself if the cloth is too wet.

Look how dirty it is. Thankfully the glue that attach surround and the speaker cone still in perfect condition. This is the first things to do when you want to inspect the old speakers still in good condition or not.

Cleaning the tweeter need special attention. This is the most fragile drivers so wipe it very very gently.

Aaah, the broken dust cap that mostly get attention from kids fingers. That's how lovely having kids and speakers. Seriously, once your speakers get this mark, that means you automatically get the permission from "family finance minister" to buy the new one:)

After cleaning process done, look how beautiful this speaker is.

The next things to do is clean up the wood surface.

The remaining dirt that hard to remove by wiping up using the cloth are require the dull cutter to slice them up. This is the fast and easiest method.

Further detailing every corner of the speaker I am using a tooth brush.

The bottom speaker without feet will be facing this condition. The cracked wood surface.

I am using quick drying glue for attaching this surface.

This outside of the speakers already clean, but I want go further. All drivers should be remove for cleaning. Also this is the good time for check inside.

This European speaker using hex screw. This is quite standard for them. Like us in Asia, most of us using the Philips screw.

Not quite tidy for the internal cables.

The drivers are all in good shape and original.

I am using the cloth tape to secure the cables. This will make the cables tidy, yet reduce potential vibrating noise.

Once all driver clean and the cables inside tidy up, then I wrap back them up.

Not finished yet, there more things need attention. That is the speakers connector. Clean with electronic contact cleaner and using cotton bud will shine the copper terminal looks new again.

The last attention is on the speakers grill cloth which mostly detach from the frame. Simply using glue to attach them together.

I cleaned this speakers almost 2 days but in slow pace. I want clean it all in detail and it is rewarded by how this speakers looks now. Just like new! I like the cleaning process and I like to looking at them when they are such this clean condition.

Disclaimer: Any statement and photos in this article are not allowed to copy or publish without written permission from the writer. Any injury or loss from following tips in this article is not under writer responsibility.
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