December 30, 2020

In This Year, The 2020

It almost the end of year 2020 and I think this year is the toughest year of all. This is because of the pandemic and the world changes on how we used to be. It definitely impact to myself which since early 2020, I start working at home. I felt thankful for the job I still had since lots of peoples out there lost their job.

I always try to think positive. I hope you all do the same too with this situation and hopefully this pandemic will be over soon.

This post is the summary to what I've done this year 2020 and what is my top pick for the audio gears I reviewed so far.

December 16, 2020

Nichicon Muse KZ Capacitor Review For Gainclone Amplifier

Despite the debatable discussion regarding the capacitor upgrade are actually give a beneficial improvement or not, hence from my experience, the correct upgrade of the capacitors sure can give such sound quality improvement.

If I looking to the top-end audio product, they are very selective to put the audio capacitor on their product. Let's say the CD player Marantz using many Elna Silmic on both signal and power capacitors. This decision sure have a reason for the audio improvement.

In this post I will do an upgrade only on the power capacitors in my Gainclone LM3886 amplifier here which previously using standard Nichicon VZ(M) capacitor and now will be upgrade to the Nichicon Muse KZ.

December 6, 2020

Apple Universal Dock A1371 Teardown

Two months ago, I bought the new model Apple Universal Dock. It sound good through the line out to my home audio system.

This Apple Universal Dock model number is A1371 and can be spotted easily with nicer aluminum remote control built in the package. You can read my full review here. I using this Apple Universal Dock with my iPod touch which already have WAV music files on it and guess what, I am more convenience listening music from it. Just press the power or the home button from the iPod and find the music you want to hear. I turn on my amplifier and turn up the volume knob fully then I sit on my comfy sofa and let the remote control on hand control the volume up and down. This remote can do the next or previous music track al well. At the end of the music album, the iPod will be turn OFF automatically, I just need to power off the amplifier to turn off my system completely. It is so simple.

Then, across my mind, what the components inside this Dock? What makes this Dock sound better than the older model? I cannot find the internal picture of this model, except the older Apple Universal Dock A1256 already teardown on here. So here is the teardown process.

December 4, 2020

Massdrop Objective 2 Headphone Amplifier (Part 2) Components Upgrade

My previous post about the Massdrop Objective 2 headphone amplifier review is very positive. I had a great result on sound quality aspect especially when combining with the DAC that having the same size of it, is the Massdrop Grace design SDAC.

Both unit still considerably small and can be carry around. Especially since there is 2 batteries slots provided inside of the O2 amplifier casing. So I think it will become a portable amplifier after all if I put the batteries on it.

So here is the progress, including some components upgrade that I think will gives a better sound quality.

December 1, 2020

Massdrop Objective 2 Headphone Amplifier (Part 1) Review

Two month ago I had review the Massdrop Grace Design SDAC here and probably this is the best sounding DAC under US$100 so far. But having this Grace SDAC alone is not complete if I am not stack it with the amplifier on the top of it.

And here it is, the Objective 2 headphone amplifier with the exact dimension with the Massdrop Grace Design SDAC. I think they are build to stack together.