You can check the Sony CDX CA900 here. Inside the OEM wired remote steering is only few series resistors with the switches. The switches will trigger the resistance value to match with the Sony head unit buttons function. Please continue reading for detail.
First of all, this OEM wired remote control need to remove from the car steering wheel. Unfortunately I am not taken the photos of those steps, but it can be done easily just by removing few hex bolt on the back of the steering wheel..
Next step is the remote steering cover need to disassembly by removing all bolts attach on it.
After removing those bolts, this steering remote cover still cannot be open up. The next step is more complex, I should using three screw driver to pry each clips for opening this cover without damaging the clips itself.
Once it is open, I can now access the main board of this unit.
Like I said earlier, this main board only consist of few resistors and switches. The good things is all components are marked with number for easy configuration.
I try to figure out the OEM schematic first by check each resistor value.
This is the full schematic of the OEM Honda Brio steering wheel.
Most of the resistors in this main board are SMD 0603 which is small enough for bare hand to handle.
Actually there is a LED mark on this main board. It can be use to lit the steering wheel remote buttons by adding the SMD LED on it. Since the socket to the steering only has two actual wire, so this LED will not be lit.
The main difference is the value of each resistor are now changed.
I removed the C1 that previously present in OEM schematic.
The R4 & R9 are not in use anymore and let the PCB empty.
R1 is additional resistor. It is require to make the shortcut to the SW1.
The next steps is the detail of this modification and will be post in here

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