You might already read my post about DIY USB DAC using TDA1541A S1 here. It is a journey to find the best possible sound from this old mighty TDA1541A DAC IC. Although the whole post of this built are only come in 2 post, but actually behind the scene, it is far longer than that. Those are from searching the components, make the components selection for the best at specific design, designing the schematic and all of it is tiring but at the same time is fun.
The analog section is the circuit that I changed most. From using FET and end up by using op-amp. This USB DAC result is great and the sound quality is outstanding.
Actually this USB DAC is built for my friend. I did test the sound quality for at least few days before I hand over to my friend. This USB DAC is far better and more resolving in every ways. This is the best sounding USB DAC I've ever built and the Nakamichi DAC-101 here cannot stand any chance to win.
Just like a chef who cook a meal, the chef cannot become an objective judge. It is simply the chef know what ingredients he put in it. My friend also cannot become a fair judge, because he also following this built closely. So, to make this review objective enough, let me introduce Mr.J to review this USB DAC as objective as possible.
I don't know Mr.J. He is a friend of mine. What I know he is an audiophile which the audio system he mostly use are all branded. He lives in an apartment and the suitable audio system is of course using a headphones. So this DAC will goes to him for a the next couple days and let's hear his impression about it. This might be the most objective person to review. He outside our circle when building this DAC. He don't know anything about this TDA1541A USB DAC and the only he know is how this DAC will perform.
Right now, he is using Schiit Bifrost 2 DAC. The headphones amplifier is Schiit Jotunheim. Looks like he is a hardcore Schiit fans. But in fact he is previously using Matrix X Sabre DAC before switch to this Schiit Bifrost 2.
The headphones that he is using right now is Sennheiser HD600 and Hifiman HE-500.
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Shiit Bifrost 2 DAC picture above is taken from |
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Shiit Jotunheim headphones amplifier picture above is taken from |
Thanks to instant courier service, this USB DAC arrived at his apartment in just less than an hour.
The next words bellow are his thought about this TDA1541A USB DAC.
With the same audio setups above, this TDA1541A USB DAC replacing the Schiit Bifrost 2. In the first hour he test this USB DAC, the impression he really notice is how impressive the depth.
"this DAC has very impressive depth, the staging more three dimensional"
Other than that, he also like how the bass slam. The bass extension also deliver really well.
"if you listen hard rock music, the bass from this (DAC) slam good"
Then he starts evaluating more deeply for the next hours listening from to this USB DAC, which I don't understand what he is talking about. I am not good at this point think:)
"there is certain softness in dynamic and transient"
See?! I think he start to hallucinating.
"the timbre so far enjoyable, tonality is neutral"
"if you like to listen mandarin pop music, this DAC is good"
Okay, at this stages we start to understand what he is talking about:)
As it is very common for most of us want to know the difference from this TDA1541A USB DAC compares to the Schiit Bifrost 2, so we asked how he compares to previous setups.
"this is just an early impression"
"the Bifrost 2 is warm, thick and dynamic"
"both different in tonality, which (when) matching headphones or amplifier, (it) will be different (in result)"
"this DAC micro dynamic still far bellow the Bifrost2"
He start to get the weakness point from this DAC.
"so if you listening the recording with huge dynamic swing, the Bifrost 2 will be deliver the music more emotional"
"micro dynamic is also the same"
"the bass slam so far are both identical, Bifrost 2 bass more thicker while this DAC also deep and having a good slam"
He continue listen to this DAC. He said that he need more time to evaluate more. Because he said that the small aspect from audio is hard to evaluate instantly. It cannot analyze, it should be heard.
"my high-level impression about this DAC is (1) a neutral sounding DAC with good timbre, (2) great bass extension and slam, (3) good enough macro detail"
"the weakness is (1) flat in dynamics, (2) there are forwardness in upper mid-range, (3) and there are softness in transient"
"the reason for softness in transient is I think because of the lack of speed to attack" He said.
"But the decay is quite okay because the timbre are natural"
"sound separation is okay"
"only the dynamics that makes this DAC less musical, although the timbre and body are enjoyable"
He continue to add more about this DAC.
"this DAC is not bad at all"
"the casing job is clean and good, this is a neat job"
And we need his last words about this TDA1541A USB DAC compares to his Schiit Bifrost 2.
"so overall I prefer Bifrost 2 because richer, impactful, and dynamics, although the Bifrost 2 more colored in sound"
"this DAC is more neutral"
The next day he also add more about this DAC.
"this DAC has better clarity and maybe slightly better dynamic"
This review slightly changed and I admit because the components start to break-in. Building this DAC is all equipped with brand new components except for the DAC IC, so no wonder the sound will be much better for more than first 100 hours.
"listen to piano is enjoyable, I got the timbre and nuance"
"the Bifrost 2 more weight, more body"
"this is not bad for DIY, this is a good, neutral sounding DAC"
"the point is this DAC is enjoyable to listen, there are little lack of dynamics and soft in transient, sometimes less emotional if compares to Bifrost2"
"the rest is okay"
And the review is done. This TDA1541A USB DAC return back to my friend and he is really enjoying the great sound from it. Thank you Mr.J.
Disclaimer: Any statement and photos in this article are not allowed to copy or publish without written permission from the writer. Any injury or loss from following tips in this article is not under writer responsibility.
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