Sennheiser still selling HD600 in brand new condition for US$ 400. But they are different with this one. The old HD600 like in this post is having marble like finished. In contrast, the newer version like on the official Sennheiser websites is all mate black just like Massdrop HD6xx. I don't have a chance to hear the new HD600 so I cannot tells do the new sound different compare to the old one I have here.

Looking to the material use in this HD600, it is all covered with plastic material. Only some parts like the head band and the grill mesh is from metal. This headphones is also quite light and very comfortable to wear for quite long time. The headphones driver is big, it is oval shape and covered all your ears comfortably. This old HD600 is been using more than 10 years for sure, but still in perfect condition, no sign of wear especially the foam pads. They are covered with fabric material, not only more comfortable to wear in tropical hot weather like in my country here but it also very durable. Unlike the leather pads, they less comfortable to wear and certainly the leather material tends to peel off by itself for more than a year of usage.

So you may have a question like I do. Although you already have this HD600, or have experience it before, you will need another headphones alternative for sure. It should be better in sound quality, more comfortable to wearing and on the same price or lower. But it is possible to get?
So stay tuned to my next post comparing this Sennheiser HD600 with others:)

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