I mostly using this Chord Mojo on my home stereo system that consist of gainclone amplifier and DIY SB Acoustic Speakers. It is sound very good and far above it's price. The great sound is actually coming from the DAC inside Chord Mojo with the line output mode ON, pushing 3 volt audio signal to the amplifier.
The battery life when using in this setup is not great, but very acceptable. For the portable use is about 8 hours great music enjoyment which is more than enough for me.
The Chord Mojo using high grade aluminum body shell, meaning it is not so easy to dent if it is accidentally hit something. Unlike the Sony NW-A55 which I have here, the aluminum body is in the different material class. Sony NW-A55 aluminum more soft and it got one dent as I accidentally hit it to the airplane chairs when I traveling to Bali few weeks ago.
Then good things happens, I just got the leather case from Korean company named Dignis. It is a high quality leather case which I really like to share here.