December 31, 2015
Bypass Capacitor With K40Y-9
I do some improvement from my last project here by changing the capacitor to this paper in oil capacitor type. With this upgrade, the instrument detail, depth of sound stage and the vocal are dramatically improved. This is also one of my favorite capacitor for signal application.
December 28, 2015
Build Point-to-point LM3875 Gainclone Amplifier
In this post, I will share my building process of LM3875 Gainclone amplifier.
If I compares with LM1875 or LM3886, this LM3875 is the most simple amplifier to build with only few parts needed. This LM3875 also has the best S/N ratio compares to the others.
For this simple circuit, I prefer to do it by point-to-point connection. The benefit compare using a printed board is the purer signal transfer. I always using high quality parts that I believe the leads from those components are better in materials compares to the PCB traces.
So let's do it.
December 21, 2015
Building B1 Buffer In Car Amplifier
For most people, building any electronic circuit would be convince by buying or making a board or a PCB. I used to be like that until I experience that doing point-to-point circuit is more fun. First, I free to use any case I want that not limited to the board design and second, the layout could be limitless. Including this B1 buffer pre-amp is the most simple circuit design by Nelson Pass. The sound produce is neutral yet doesn't need much components in it.
December 15, 2015
Building Compact F5 Amplifier (Part 3) PCB & Heatsink Mounting
Every end of the year, I don't know why I am always make a new amplifier. Maybe the hot season already left behind and the chill wind blowing in the morning refreshing my mind. I have more energy to build something like this one, the compact F5 amplifier.
Right now I am using the PCB for the very first time since 12 years ago. This F5 amplifier is pretty simple and point-to-point is not difficult to make. But I already had this PCB on hand, not using it will be a waste. The PCB quality are very good, although I found some mark on the fet is wrong but overall this is the best PCB I can get from my local forum member.
I also check the best possible placement for the final transistor.
I guess this is the final layout.
Then I will put the final Transistor attach to the heat sink. Surface of the heatsink need to be clean before installing the fet on it. By doing this will improve the heat transfer.
I still have a CPU thermal paste from my previous PC project. This thermal paste is better than my any standard thermal paste. It is from Deep Cool Z5. The specification on the datasheet claims that it has more material that transfer heat quickly.
Before apply this paste, the fet pins need to be adjusted.
Using the short cable to extend the leg and attach them to the PBC is not the best idea, but this is the best solution for non universal heat sink like this case.
Still nice isn't it?
Remember to use mica spacer to avoid short circuit between body of the fet and the heat sink grounding.
One cable is attach just like the pig tail. It is for easy ground connection in the process.
The input cable is from Canare. It is a shielded cable to avoid signal noise.
It attach the cable directly on the back of the PCB. The hole is not large enough to fit this cable.
Little amount of thermal paste is enough. In this picture, I add to much.
Attaching the fet to the heat sink and secure it with a bolt.
At the side, you will notice I am using a big washer just like Mr. Nelson did. The thermistor is located near the fet and touch the heat sink.
The final result would be like this. All I have to do now is connecting the power and speaker out cable.
I am stop this project at the moment. I still need few components such as one piece of 2SJ74 which already hard to find here.
The final part can be found here
Disclaimer: Any statement and photos in this article are not allowed to copy or publish without written permission from the writer. Any injury or loss from following tips in this article is not under writer responsibility.
Right now I am using the PCB for the very first time since 12 years ago. This F5 amplifier is pretty simple and point-to-point is not difficult to make. But I already had this PCB on hand, not using it will be a waste. The PCB quality are very good, although I found some mark on the fet is wrong but overall this is the best PCB I can get from my local forum member.

I also check the best possible placement for the final transistor.
I guess this is the final layout.
Then I will put the final Transistor attach to the heat sink. Surface of the heatsink need to be clean before installing the fet on it. By doing this will improve the heat transfer.
I still have a CPU thermal paste from my previous PC project. This thermal paste is better than my any standard thermal paste. It is from Deep Cool Z5. The specification on the datasheet claims that it has more material that transfer heat quickly.
Before apply this paste, the fet pins need to be adjusted.
Using the short cable to extend the leg and attach them to the PBC is not the best idea, but this is the best solution for non universal heat sink like this case.
Still nice isn't it?
Remember to use mica spacer to avoid short circuit between body of the fet and the heat sink grounding.
One cable is attach just like the pig tail. It is for easy ground connection in the process.
The input cable is from Canare. It is a shielded cable to avoid signal noise.
It attach the cable directly on the back of the PCB. The hole is not large enough to fit this cable.
Little amount of thermal paste is enough. In this picture, I add to much.
Attaching the fet to the heat sink and secure it with a bolt.
At the side, you will notice I am using a big washer just like Mr. Nelson did. The thermistor is located near the fet and touch the heat sink.
The final result would be like this. All I have to do now is connecting the power and speaker out cable.
I am stop this project at the moment. I still need few components such as one piece of 2SJ74 which already hard to find here.
The final part can be found here
Disclaimer: Any statement and photos in this article are not allowed to copy or publish without written permission from the writer. Any injury or loss from following tips in this article is not under writer responsibility.
December 14, 2015
Magnat Classic 400 (Part 2 Final) Installation & Bias Setting
Last week I do review here this finest amplifier and when there is a chance for me to install in my car. I can't wait any longer to experience the sound quaity from this mighty amplifier.

December 10, 2015
Building Compact F5 Amplifier (Part 2) Input Output Terminal
The input and output plugs will be install now. As usual, I using almost all components from the original case, except for the input RCA jack. I am using CMC RCA which become my favorite choice.

December 8, 2015
Ultronix Is The Best Resistor Ever?
I have heard that someone could hear the difference in audio quality by changing one resistor to another brand. Perhaps it is true! Actual condition from inside a resistor is more complex then just saying it is a passive component that have only a resistance. The resistors lead quality and the carbon or metal film quality really determined on how the resistor behave in the audio system. Maybe that condition will effect at the final result which is the sound itself.

December 7, 2015
Building Compact F5 Amplifier (Part 1) Case And Power Supply
Having the compact case like this, I speed up my amplifier project to be starting soon. I look around what amp can I make with this kind of case and the result is will be no other than the F5 amplifier from Nelson Pass. It is class A, 2-stages amp, and running hot. Although this is not the typical big F5 amp cases, hopefully the heat is not an issue.

December 4, 2015
David Hafler XL-280 Amplifier Case For My Next Project
Finding hi quality amplifier case is a pain. Most of them are imported from China. Actually they are good aluminium case but in my opinion, they are overpriced. Plus I should consider the shipping cost which makes the price tag increase like a rocket. On the other side, there also a local cheap case that I would not even dare to touch it. It is ugly and build quality is pathetic.
So what is the solution? I could tell by using the used amplifier case. You need to find the most flat surface case for easy components mounting. In this case I will use the amplifier case from David Hafler XL-280.
So what is the solution? I could tell by using the used amplifier case. You need to find the most flat surface case for easy components mounting. In this case I will use the amplifier case from David Hafler XL-280.

December 1, 2015
Magnat Classic 400 (Part 1) - Finest Old-school Car Amplifier
I can say that I am quite lucky to have this 25 years old Magnat Classic 400. It is my car amplifier back in early 2000. This is a 4 channel car amplifier that rated pure 50 watt per channel, not top of the line product from Magnat and it is quite affordable at that time. But despite it is affordable, the build quality for this amplifier is top notch. I can say this is the finest amplifier for the money that no any other product could match.

November 30, 2015
The Seller Hi-fi Audio System
When I judge one audio system, I should know exactly what is the good parameter is. I can say one system is better than another because the music presentation is meet my preference in the audio system. This preference is the benchmark and for this reason, I should visit many audio show to hear what the brands want you to listen as they intended in their audio system. But this audio show doesn't come everyday, so I need another place that I can regularly visit.
Luckily one of my seller provide a whole audio system to be played to the customer. This is what I want to show in this post.

November 16, 2015
Alpine 3501 Mini Car Amplifier
From my previous post about digging out my storage room, I found an interesting piece of junk. This is an Alpine car power amplifier model 3501. As I remember, I get this amplifier from 1990 Toyota Crown OEM audio. It is a premium car and the audio system that they are using is Alpine double din head unit, which considerably rare. Then from the head unit connect to pair of Alpine 3501 external amplifier. This amplifier is already broken when I taken out from the car and I have planned to restore it long time ago.

November 9, 2015
A Tempting Condition Of Sony Playstation SCPH-1001
The word lucky for me is very simple. It is the unexpected situation where no any intention to find a good Sony Playstation SCPH-1001 but it suddenly someone come to you and ask politely if I want to buy this. I am quite shocked that this PS1 is comes in complete package and in the good condition.

November 6, 2015
My Project Board Collection & Electronic Schematic (Part 3 Final)
This post is additional schematic that we are waiting for. Please Enjoy!

My Project Board Collection & Electronic Schematic (Part 2)
Continuing my previous posting, this is the others electronic DIY board collection. I still keep the schematic that I think it is interesting to share and will be upload on part 3. Starting in this part, I will introduce to my fail amplifier project. It cost money a lot for sure. The stereo power amplifier in dual bridge mono along with the tone control in the same board.
November 4, 2015
My Project Board Collection & Electronic Schematic (Part 1)
Few of week ago, I manage a room in my house which previously as my storage room. This room will soon become a bedroom for my daughter.
I tidy up many carton boxes and find something interesting. One box is full of my project board that I've been work with it since my first time in this electronic hobby. They are unused and the components inside are mostly substitute to other electronic project at that time. I will show the each project board which I think, they are good enough for sharing. The schematic will be include on the next post.
October 26, 2015
Simple Home Theater System (Part 2 Final) Testing The Sound
It is been a while since I built this surround setup, I played almost all my HD movie collection on my hard disk again to get the surround sound experience. I jump to the final conclusion that this ancient surround pre-amp is very good. But how good it is?
October 19, 2015
Simple Home Theater System (Part 1) The Surround Pre-amp
The surround sound technology in home theater entertainment system has improve very fast. Compares to the stereo system, it is just like an ancient electronic setup to the surround. The latest surround system is now Dolby Atmos which will create the sound field from the speaker above the listener. The previous surround system are DTS and Dolby digital. But do the latest surround system is essential in home theater setup? How could I compare to the first Dolby surround system introduced in 80's? Do they still capable to deliver the enjoyment in the latest movies? I am now have a spare time to dig something on my storage room. Lets see what I can find to build my own simple surround system for cheap!
September 14, 2015
PC Cable Sleeve for Non Modular ATX PSU
My PC case here don't have a cable management features. The cables are lying around in the PC case. To be honest, it is not very ugly, but doing something to make it look even better is an advantage. Then with higher price power supply are commonly have modular cables design. This modular means that the cables can be installed to the power supply as per components use in the PC. With this modular design, the PC case will looks even neat. In this post I will modify my standard PC power supply. The result is tidy just like the modular one. Please note that this project is quite difficult to follow and it is also high risk and definitely void your PSU guarantee.
September 7, 2015
Jonsbo U3 - Best PC Case For Multimedia Player
I have a 6+ years old PC. It is a dual core Intel spec in the ugly case (not pictured). The initial purpose I bought this PC long time ago is only for my office job. Later on, I got a new laptop then this PC is rarely use ever since. I don't want to waste any resources, I plan to put this PC in my living room, upgrade the VGA card that support HDMI output, then this PC will become a multi media PC.
When put this PC in the living room, it should looks good. That is why I will need a proper PC case. After some time searching, I choose this Jonsbo U3 PC case. This is a full aluminum case with very minimalist design to suit most of any living room.
August 13, 2015
Vermouth RCA Plug - Best Value Audiophile Interconnect
I just bought this RCA interconnect from my friend, Mr. Hadi - SS Audio. He is one of Vermouth distributor in Jakarta. I request two pairs RCA cable using Canare cable brand instead the standard Mogami. The Canare is L-2T2S. Choosing the cable brands is a personal taste. The reason for me using Canare is just because I am quite familiar see that brand in the recording studio.

July 24, 2015
The US Amps USA-100 (Part 2 Final) Compare To The Gainclone
It is been awhile that I am using the Gainclone car amplifier here and the result is suprisingly good. My previous post here about the US Amps, makes me wonder how is the sound signature from the American amplifier compare to the the DIY Gainclone. For the music, I prefer dynamic sound with nice presentation on mid-range. Lets read on what my finding with this US Amps.
July 21, 2015
US Amps USA-100 (Part 1) Old-school American Style Amplifier
Most famous car amplifier in 90's era them are all made in USA. Just like Rockford, Orion, Linear Power, MTX, Petras and so many more. They are the American style car audio amplifier that feature true RMS power output. The sound is clean and loud. Today I got this US Amps in the mint condition. The model is USA-100 and I believe it is only 2 x 50 watt. Although at this moment I don't need any amplifier anymore, but by looking this amplifier condition, I could not resist to have another one.
Soundstream Lil Wonder III (Part 2 Final) Audio Upgrade For Bass Lover
I have a long holiday last week and I invited my friend to install the Soundstream Monoblock amplifier to his new car. It is a Suzuki Swift 2015. You can read my preview for the Soundstream amplifier here. My friend is a bass lover. He love to hear electronic music, hip-hop, R&B, pop and worship songs. (worship songs in the middle of that said genres?) He is not to much concerning about sound quality, his goal is having an audio system that deliver deep, tight and powerful bass.
July 14, 2015
Soundstream Lil Wonder III (Part 1) Monoblock Power Amplifier
I am counting on how many years that I am not touching any bass oriented in car audio anymore. I guess it should be around 7 years ago that I selling all of them and then more focus to the sound quality. But today is different, I am looking for a mono-block amplifier that usually designed for driving a sub-woofer or more. It is requested by my friend. He ask me to find a powerful mono-block amplifier to drive his his 12 inch sub-woofer and will install to his new car.
June 29, 2015
SB Acoustic SB-65 & Honda Jazz 2015 Audio Installation
Lately it is quite rare for me have a spare time during weekends. I mostly spend it with my family. But today is a different story. A week before, one of my friends ask my suggestion to install a 3 way system on his new Honda Jazz. Instead of a 3 way system, I suggested him to look at a small full-range speakers that will be place on top of the dash-board. This could help for minimizing blind spot while driving compares to the 3 way speakers system.

June 18, 2015
Out Of Audio Topic - SEIKO SNZG15K1 A Good Affordable Watch
I have a 10 years old Seiko 5 watch which I like it very much. It is very durable watch I've ever wear. I don't even think to buy the new one until one day, I am unexpectedly jump into online forum that discuss about the Seiko watches. I'm really got into it and it is a very good affordable watch that I cannot resist to have one.

June 15, 2015
DIY Amplifier Comparison: Gainclone LM3875 Vs. Elektor Mini Crescendo
I really like to comparing one amplifier to another. The parameter when evaluating them is not only for the sound quality, but the reliability and usability.
In this post, I will comparing both of my do it yourself amplifier.
The Gainclone amplifier here is my first built LM3875 Gainclone amplifier.
And the Elektor Mini Crescendo is also my first built Class A amplifier.
This is really interesting to find out how they perform.

June 5, 2015
Tiny Cmoy Headphone Amplifier (Part 2 Final) Using Lithium Battery
From my last update here, I found that using small lithium battery that I have take from the old toys is very durable and practical for this CMOY amplifier. Then I also adding the rechargeabe socket in this CMOY for more flexibility. Now this CMOY amplifier is just like a commercial amplifier available in the market.

June 3, 2015
Speakers Ring Car Audio Speaker Treatment
Last week, when I went to the shopping mal, I saw the Japanese car audio magazine with the speaker treatment product from Audio Technica. That sound deadening product comes with several components, the multi layer sound deadening sheets from various size and thickness, then the most important is the ring for the speakers. The main purpose of this speakers ring is to eliminate the negative pressure of the speaker cones from the back of the speaker to the front. This will prevent cancellation of the sound wave. So in this post I will try to make one for my car.

May 18, 2015
Sony MH1 Earphone And Convert OMTP To Standar Stereo Earphone Plug
I am now looking for a new affordable earphone. This earphone will accompany me at the office or at my traveling. The portability is the main purpose and the most important is good sounding earphone. This Sony Ericsson MH1 earphone is my choice to fulfilled all my needs.

Lithium Battery Cmoy Headphone Amplifier Using AD823 (Part 1) The Building Process
Previously I have built many headphone amplifier. The size from portable, medium or fully amplifier case size headphone amplifier. Then what I found that portability is an important factor for building a headphone amplifier. You can find my previous project here and here. This project is about tiny headphone amplifier that will not sacrifice the sound quality.

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