Like myself, I have build several Gainclone amplifier previously and each of them are built with different variation and different type of the components inside. The result each of those built are amazing.
Right now I will build another one. This time I will using the components that I really familiar with, mostly the audio grade components, but still affordable. So let's get started.

I will first describe the components that I will using in this build.
The input coupling capacitor using the old stock WIMA MKP-10. The size of MKP-10 is 4 times larger compare to the WIMA MKP-4 at the same value. The reason I am choosing this film capacitor for the signal because it is the best, yet affordable MKP capacitor with good sound quality so far.

I also using this 10nF WIMA MKP-10 capacitor for diodes snubber capacitor. This is useful to reduce the noise generate from switching on the diodes

Next components is the resistor. I prefer carbon resistor for more natural sound compare to the metal film resistor. In this project I am prefer using the Dale resistor, but if the value are not available, then I will switch to the Takman resistor.
The black resistor at the photo bellow is 1 watt 1 ohm Dale resistor. Smaller than the half watt resistor and this will be using in the Zobel network application.

The next component is the electrolytic capacitor for the power supply circuit. I am using Nichicon Muse that they made it for audio application like this.
I have ever heard some said that using Panasonic FC for power supply circuit is better. For me, tha Panasonic FC sound flat and thin, not suit to my taste compares to using the Nichicon Muse in this Gainclone amplifier. I have use Nichicon Muse on my previous project before, it magically brings quieter background and deliver singer emotion better than any other audio grade capacitor.

The next quality component is the bridge diode rectifier. This is the high quality diode from the manufacture: FAGOR. I will using 2 of them for the full rectifier in dual secondary transformer.

The potentiometer bellow is for the volume control. This looks like low quality potentiometer but it is not. Instead this is the new-old-stock NOBLE potentiometer. It has 11 position clicker that feel like you are using stepped attenuation.

The transformer is the most important component of all. This is the main power supply components that determine how good the sound quality of the amplifier.
Like this toroidal transformer, this is the high quality transformer from Australian company name ALTRONICS. This transformer is heavy and using the high quality cooper wire to assure that the power output is stable and clean.

The next component is the switch. The Gainclone amplifier that using LM1875 will have the pop noise while power ON and OFF. This is normal but should avoided because of the DC out through the speaker connected. In this project, I will using manual switch like the photo bellow to contact between the amplifier circuit to the speaker output terminal rather than using a relay delay circuit. The reason for this is more simplicity in the circuit design.

This is all the main components for this LM1875 Gainclone amplifier build.
The part 2 can be find here.
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Disclaimer: Any statement and photos in this article are not allowed to copy or publish without written permission from the writer. Any injury or loss from following tips in this article is not under writer responsibility.
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