Building Cmoy amplifier is basically easy and cheap. For the comparison, I have been using Schiit Magni headphones amplifier and Cmoy amplifier sound quality is comparable
The designer of this Cmoy amplifier is based on one person name Chu Moy and the amplifier layout is basically an op-amp gain which very simple and not too much parts involved.
The standard op-amps for Cmoy amplifier is using NJM4560 that can deliver up to 70mA of current with minimum impedance output is 150 ohm. But how it sound if I compare to the others op-amps such as LME49720 or NE5532?
On my listening test, the LME47920 sound more precise on every music instruments and noticeably pronounce better in the high frequency. While NE5532 sound more darker, a little roll off at the high frequency.
I could say that both LME47920 and NE5532 sound very natural yet dynamic. No others frequency are dominated and this is very good result from an amplifier should be.
My experience with others op-amps such as OPA275 or AD823 is they are good but somehow coloring the sound so much. It makes less enjoyable than listening with this LME49720 or NE5532.
The price different for both op-amps are huge. The of original NE5532 is less than US$1 each and the original LME49720 are about US$5 each.
Both op-amps are my recommendation for the best sounding Cmoy headphones amplifier.

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