The Sennheiser comes with thin carton box showing information about your headphones is. Inside that, there is thick box with all black color and the Sennheiser logo at the center. Nice looking box indeed.

Opening the box you will find the headphones itself with the foam surrounding the unit. On top of that, there is a instruction manual and another foam covered the cables.

My first impression for this unit is very delightful, until I see this Sennheiser HD 6XX plastic material, I feel little bit disappointed.

If you don't mind paying this amount of money and only get the headphone with this dull plastic material, then it is okay. The plastic itself doesn't seems better than the Audiotechnica ATH-M40X. Compares to the Hifiman HE-400 which has great finished quality, this Sennheiser HD 6XX will not win any beauty contest. You must see the cable quality as well. It is doesn't seems any different with the headphone built quality itself. The cables feel cheap and the connector is far from premium. But we are here to have some music audition right? So let's continue:)

The pad cushion is made from fabric. I don't mind having this fabric pad instead of the leather. My ATH-M40X leather pad is now starting to peel off by itself after having that more than a year. The fitment to my ear is also remarkable comfy. I also don't have any issue about the band fitment to my head as well.

Nothing leather here. Almost all plastic except the steel for adjustable band on the mesh on every side of the drivers.

Thankfully this Sennheiser have the detachable cable. So you can upgrade to better quality cables later on.

Sound wise, it is almost the same you got from the Hifiman HE-400. It is have good soundstage, clear sound and dynamic, and more punchy bass. This would be the nature of open type headphones. But you will notice this Sennheiser HD 6XX have better sound improvement over the Hifiman. The vocal detail is better, make you as listener feel closer to the singers. Separation between frequency is also better, every notes you hear can determined more clearly. One things you may find that the highs not as bright as the Hifiman. But that makes the sound more relaxed and natural, not overshoot on top frequency.

I can say to have this Sennheiser HD 6XX is a good option if you aim for a good music reproduction over the built quality. One thing also should be consider that the brand it self has a good reputation for deliver music rather the comparison I got here is the Hifiman. So the decision is yours after all.
I just notice that this post is quite big hit after my friend share the link to head-fi.org. I personally thanked to him by the way.

To make this review more clear, I should mention during this headphones review, compares to the Hifiman and the Audiotechnica, I always using the external amp & DAC from Schiit. I conclude all headphones review in one page here along with the new STAX headphones & amp combo. Thank you for all your good input, I really appreciate it.
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