To make sure the size is small enough, I draw draft for the layout of the components. It will look like this.

It doesn't need too much time to move the components since this H2 is actually a very simple pre-amp.

If I spread all the board, they would be like this. From left to right: power supply, DAC, H2, Tripath TA2024.

It is seems simple, but this additional H2 board required additional power wire.

For better power transfer, all board has their own wire from the power supply.

The input output H2 is now connected from DAC to the amplifier board.

And of course the power wires as well.

After all done, it is the great time to stack them all.

They will put inside the amplifier case in this way.

It is a tight fit and make sure no obstacles when inserting the board in the case.

The power supply is assembly to the separate case with the amplifier.

It is now all done.

No one would imagine how this little amp could have so many complexity inside. It is the proud of make something small in appearance but it is actually has much more bigger inside.
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