July 24, 2015
The US Amps USA-100 (Part 2 Final) Compare To The Gainclone
It is been awhile that I am using the Gainclone car amplifier here and the result is suprisingly good. My previous post here about the US Amps, makes me wonder how is the sound signature from the American amplifier compare to the the DIY Gainclone. For the music, I prefer dynamic sound with nice presentation on mid-range. Lets read on what my finding with this US Amps.
July 21, 2015
US Amps USA-100 (Part 1) Old-school American Style Amplifier
Most famous car amplifier in 90's era them are all made in USA. Just like Rockford, Orion, Linear Power, MTX, Petras and so many more. They are the American style car audio amplifier that feature true RMS power output. The sound is clean and loud. Today I got this US Amps in the mint condition. The model is USA-100 and I believe it is only 2 x 50 watt. Although at this moment I don't need any amplifier anymore, but by looking this amplifier condition, I could not resist to have another one.
Soundstream Lil Wonder III (Part 2 Final) Audio Upgrade For Bass Lover
I have a long holiday last week and I invited my friend to install the Soundstream Monoblock amplifier to his new car. It is a Suzuki Swift 2015. You can read my preview for the Soundstream amplifier here. My friend is a bass lover. He love to hear electronic music, hip-hop, R&B, pop and worship songs. (worship songs in the middle of that said genres?) He is not to much concerning about sound quality, his goal is having an audio system that deliver deep, tight and powerful bass.
July 14, 2015
Soundstream Lil Wonder III (Part 1) Monoblock Power Amplifier
I am counting on how many years that I am not touching any bass oriented in car audio anymore. I guess it should be around 7 years ago that I selling all of them and then more focus to the sound quality. But today is different, I am looking for a mono-block amplifier that usually designed for driving a sub-woofer or more. It is requested by my friend. He ask me to find a powerful mono-block amplifier to drive his his 12 inch sub-woofer and will install to his new car.