Oh sh*t! All competitors out there will yelling like that for sure. This Schiit Modi Multibit is a cheap DAC. Even I have made my TDA1543 DAC for the price less than buying this Schiit on second hand market.

With the size of a palm of my hand, this DAC is superior in feature. It is accept digital coaxial, optical/ toslink, and USB audio from your PC. What could I agree more:)

On the other hand, the Schiit Magni 3 is a headphone amp which offer fully differential voltage to feed up the push-pull discrete amplifier, unlike my CMOY amp which only using a dual Op-amp as main amp.
All the Schiit case is covered by aluminium top and steel chassis. They are CNC machined that offer very good finish case. No edgy of rough surface on the case corner.

The amplifier input output is fairly basic. There are analog RCA input and output along with gain control at the back of the amp. Counting the DC input and power switch as well. In front we got the volume control knob and headphone jack.

This is how I stack them all together.

It is quite nice in my opinion as a desktop amp for private listening system.

No complete without knowing what inside.

As I said earlier, the Magni 3 amp is fully discrete amp. All components are SMD type except the electrolytic capacitor.

This is the dual rail voltage regulated section. Nothing to upgrade here, all components are considerable good.

This tiny ALPS potentiometer is better if I can change to the ALPS Blue, but size matter in this case so I will put this idea away.

Quite boring if I cannot make something to upgrade, but it is true, I don't have any clue to make some components upgrade.

Now take a look to the Schiit Modi Multibit DAC.

There will be another SMD IC components on the bottom of the board, but again, nothing I can do to make an upgrade.

The capacitor are Panasonic FC. It is already a good pick.

This DAC is using single rail voltage just like most DAC out there. Nothing fancy here.

The power wall adapter supplied is quite big and heavy. They are about 10 watt power adapter and they are linear power supply using transformer. This is also a good pick up from Schiit rather using the noisy SMPS.

I actually has test this Schiit and the audio result is very promising. I will make separate post regarding the sound performance. But one thing become my homework is the amplifier hum! Yes, this popular Schiit amp make hum noise even I am not connect anything to the amp input and the volume knob is way down. The hum is worse when I switch the gain to HI position. This is not right I guess, maybe I can make some improvement? Let's see.
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