The next components after this RCA jack is the potentiometer. I am using the famous ALPS blue velvet pot that offer long life and precise resistance.

The long storage period of this pot will make the pin covered with dirt. Always clean them with sand paper before put on the board.

I often solder the wire directly to the pot pin. This project is exceptional, I am using many board include the volume control board like this one.

Continuing from last power supply installation, I lift up them again to replace all the cable to the better one.

Since the space inside the box are still plenty, the RCA jacks are now put on its place.

The next step is installing the cable from RCA to the pot. I am using Canare shielded interconnect cable in this purpose.

The new cable is now install under the capacitor board. They are voltage output and speakers output with the same ground connection.

This new cables installation look a little bit tidy than previous installation. I manage them better right now.

I believe it is done for today.

Part 3 can be find here
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