I really like to comparing one amplifier to another. The parameter when evaluating them is not only for the sound quality, but the reliability and usability.
In this post, I will comparing both of my do it yourself amplifier.
The Gainclone amplifier here is my first built LM3875 Gainclone amplifier.
And the Elektor Mini Crescendo is also my first built Class A amplifier.
This is really interesting to find out how they perform.

If I am not mistaken, I made this Gainclone amplifier around 10 years ago and I am very surprised on how this simple amplifier using one LM3875 IC from National Semiconductor can deliver very good sound.
In contrast is the Elektor Mini Crescendo amplifier that I've built around December 2002. This amplifier is discrete MOSFET transistors, configure in dual mono design using Bando 250VA transformer on each channel. This amplifier is running in Class A bias, this means it running hot. The weight is 20 kg.
This Elektor Mini Crescendo amplifier is the best built amplifier I ever made. It is run perfectly fine, no hum, no noise from this amplifier when idling or when operating. This amplifier no need speaker protection circuit and it is operate very stable in long listening session.
Since the Gainclone amplifier is more compact, more light weight compares to this Mini Crescendo, then this comparison is like modern amplifier versus old-style discrete transistor amplifier challenge.
More in detail, the Mini Crescendo is running in class A bias, the final transistor is always ON because of the high bias setting. This will create more heat and low efficiency in power consumption to power output.
The Gainclone amplifier doesn't have the heat issue like the Elektor Mini Crescendo. I just put small heat sink on the IC and it is just fine. This is because the Gainclone LM3875 is running in class AB bias. This cannot be changed due to internal circuitry inside the IC itself. The power consumption for the Gainclone is relatively small and more efficient.

The Gainclone amplifier built is done by point-to-point connection. This can be done because it require much less external components than the Elektor Mini Crescendo. This lead to the more cheaper build of Gainclone amplifier than the Elektor Mini Crescendo.
I can using higher grade components when building the Gainclone amplifier with the total price for making is still less than when building the Elektor Mini Crescendo at that time.

Then let me explain the audio quality.
I could say the Gainclone amplifier is superior for the channel separation, clear instruments presentation, and micro detail. Although the midrange in this amplifier is a little bit thin, but the all frequency response really quite neutral.
The Elektor Mini Cresscendo is a warm sounding amplifier. I listen the midrange, especially for the vocal presentation is so intimate, lots of coloration in this section. The sound-stage and three dimensional presentation is not so superior to the Gainclone, this amplifier is more emphasis on
superior midrange presentation and balance on overall musical presentation.
Right now I using this Gainclone amplifier more compare to the Elektor Mini Crescendo.
I feel the excitement and engagement to the music more when listening to this amplifier. Especially for more dynamic and rich music presentation, I more enjoying listen with this Gainclone amplifier.
There is another advantage that I get from using Gainclone amplifier especially for more efficient and more compact in size that I think it is suitable for me to use it right now.
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Disclaimer: Any statement and photos in this article are not allowed to copy or publish without written permission from the writer. Any injury or loss from following tips in this article is not under writer responsibility.
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