I follow this rules for years and at the end it is very complicated. I cannot enjoy the music because I am too busy dial the tone control and adjusting the sub-woofer level. The music is mix with additional noise and dirty from the unnecessary equipment in the signal path. No matters how many times I dial the tone control or the sub-woofer setting, the music never presenting well to my ears.
Until one day, I was thinking about changing my audio system in a simple way. This only the source, it is a CD player, a passive volume control and power amplifier. There is nothing else.
The speaker also very simple, with no cross-over at all. The goal is this system should deliver the sound quality that I wish for. Then this single driver full range speaker project comes in mind.
First of all, choosing the best drivers for this single driver full range speaker is very frustrating. I remember I spent many days to comparing between datasheet and brands.
This Vifa TG9 will works well if put in the right calculated box. Unfortunately I can’t calculate the box size with using the driver’s parameter. So I made it easy by using the measurement from the Fostex FE103 box recommendation, but of course with a little adjustment on the port position.
The longer I listen to this speaker, it makes me conclude that overall sound signature is balance. Not a single music note are dominated, except for the vocal. It makes the stage for the singer while the others instruments playing behind the vocalist.
The budget also become my main concern, which is maximum US$100. I can tell you with this little budget, it is not easy to pick the best driver for this project.
Then my final choice is no other than this Vifa TG9. This is a 3,5 inch full range driver with impedance of 4 ohm and frequency response from 100 Hz to 10 kHz.
Choosing this driver for the main driver and the only driver in my audio system is not easy. I gambling myself and wondering what if the result is far from my expectation. So I take the risk and let this project begin.

I ordered this enclosure to the specialist and custom the design just like the popular Rogers LS3.
So here it is now!
This speaker is consider as small bookshelf speaker that intended to put on top of the table for the near field speaker system. I did it on my desk that width almost 2 meter and depth about 1,2 meter. This speaker sound fantastic and I stunned! I cannot believe I choosing the right driver for this full-range speakers. I personally never heard the speaker that can deliver music as live, as intimate like this before.
I also put this small speaker to my living room. The size of my living room is about 4 meter by 4 meter. But don't get fooled by the size of this speaker. With the same music presentation like on the near field setups, it deliver very well on the larger room like this. Although one things should be note that the bass will less pronounce compare to the near field setup before.
The best from this speakers is on the mid-range. Lots of detail on the mid-range that makes me smile when replay the music I loved. Again, I never heard the music presentation like this on my previous speakers ever.
Others than the mid-range, every instruments are clearly pronounce. The sound is full bodied, blend with the music itself. Even without close my eyes, I can clearly spot the sound-stage and the singer is in front of me.
The longer I listen to this speaker, it makes me conclude that overall sound signature is balance. Not a single music note are dominated, except for the vocal. It makes the stage for the singer while the others instruments playing behind the vocalist.
I can live whole day in this room to hear my favorite artist sing as like they sing in front of me. For simple music, this speaker is wonderful.
Disclaimer: Any statement and photos in this article are not allowed to copy or publish without written permission from the writer. Any injury or loss from following tips in this article is not under writer responsibility.
Disclaimer: Any statement and photos in this article are not allowed to copy or publish without written permission from the writer. Any injury or loss from following tips in this article is not under writer responsibility.
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